
Each level within Buckingham Re-Development Co. has a responsibility for ensuring the Health and Safety of fellow Employees, Contractors and the Public.

It is the policy of Buckingham Re-Development Co. to conduct its activities in such a way as to provide an environment which protects the Health and Safety of all persons at the workplace and actively encourage safe working practices.

Buckingham Re-Development Co’s Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan encompasses these main principles:

  • Comply with all relevant statutory duties, regulations, codes of practice and industry standards, making adequate provision of resources to meet these requirements
  • Provide information, instruction and training for employees to increase personal understanding of workplace hazards and to ensure proper supervision
  • Involve employees and sub-contractors on health and safety matters, and consult with them in ways to reduce workplace hazards and improve control systems
  • Provide support, assistance and resources to ensure an integrated rehabilitation program is provided for all employees who sustain injury or illness